Sunday, April 18, 2010

So what do you think about Nicki Minaj?

So what do you think about Nicki Minaj?
I'm not talking about her looks I'm asking about her rap skills? Me personally I think she's wack, so what is all the hype about her?


  1. really i dont like her at all

  2. she is awful. i feel sorry for today's youth

  3. i love her to rap her lips on me

  4. shes hot id bang her but if she started rapping id shoot her

  5. There truthfully is no hype. I think she sounds a bit like a man in her songs, he flow is distinct though, but weird.

  6. she doesnt look that bad (i've seen better light skin girls tho), shes bad at rapping PERIOD better then wayne tho, she likes a lot of attention seein how she always has her t!ts out or wears tight shirts (nothin wrong with that but u get my point) and i mean in every time and pic u c her.

  7. I think she's bomb. Shes the one who says what girls cant say or aren't aloud to say. She's the voice of the young girls. To me, she's the female lil wayne. She kills it on every song and i cant wait till she really blows up. Shes tight! #itsbarbiebitch =)

  8. i dont like her either, and everyone is constantly saying stuf about her.I finally went home and listened to her raps and was totally truned off, the things she says its just like Why???
