Sunday, April 18, 2010

Why is Nicki Minaj so slutty?

Why is Nicki Minaj so slutty?


  1. She was actually sexually abused as a child soooooo that probly has somthing to do with it.

  2. She carries herself in a slutty way because sex sells, and that's also how she was brought up coming from the hood getting attention from guys. She's very ghetto at heart even though she puts on this pritsy image. I can't wait until she's so old news, i'm getting tired of her already.

  3. Beyonce has her beat, I don't care what anyone says. Nicki M. wears leggings and tops that show off her boobs, but Beyonce in basically every video is in a bra and panties and is dancing like a stripper. Just because Beyonce is more main stream doesn't make it any better. Beyonce is singing about ******* while recording her on a video phone and all that stuff. The kids are supposed to look up to her as a role model, yeah right. Source(s): Myself
